
My favorite superhero (since i was a little girl) is Flash, nicknamed sometimes the Scarlet Speedster. He is a superhero from the DC Comics universe. Flash possess "super-speed", which includes the ability to run and move extremely fast, use superhuman reflexes and seemingly violate certain laws of physics. This character gets his powers after an accident, Flash is bathed in a "electrically charged chemicals" (same way that his uncle, first Flash).

In this “world” there have been many “flash” (i remember 5....), but my favorite is Wallace Rudolph "Wally" West (Flah of The Modern Age), he is member of many squads. The most famous is the Justice League.

Flash is my favorite superhero, because when i was a child, I loved it, i don’t know why... well, Flash is very cheerful, charismatic and fun, he is so cute, he is like a child, he is a wonderful person.

He represents the dream of all children, we all want to be superheroes, but with the innocence of childhood. His value is the joy and unconditional support.

(I want to be a SuperHero too!)

1 Response
  1. Franny Says:

    I like flash. I remember to my father because he talk me about flash and said me that he was flah! and I saw him with this face *.*
    Good choice :)

    see you =)

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